Are you contemplating taking your infused goodies with you for a trip you’ll never forget? There are some location-specific restrictions you should brace yourself for. Every state has different laws, so what’s fine in one place might get you in trouble somewhere else.
So, can you fly with Delta 9 gummies? It’s slightly complicated. Hemp-derived D-9 is fine under federal law and can be traveled with, in theory. In practice, state laws may introduce an additional level of complexity. That’s why you want to know how to pack, store, and carry your gummies when getting ready for a flight.
A little preparation when planning your trip can save you from unnecessary trouble. Let us help you at the preparation stage before taking your gummies on a plane.
How can you fly with Delta-9 gummies in the US?
Do your legal research
Delta-9 THC is legal on a federal level, provided that the cannabinoid is obtained from hemp. Marijuana, synthetic, and other sources are banned, making it illegal to fly with your gummies if they contain D-9 from non-compliant sources.
On top of that, there may be local limitations on hemp-derived D-9. You should dedicate at least some of your time to inspecting the possible restrictions for where you’re flying from and where you’re landing.
If a state is on the same wavelength with federal legislation, it’s okay to fly with Delta-9 gummies there. But you should still check if your tidbits are within the 0.3% THC limit. If they are not, traveling is a no-go.
If a state imposes its own restrictions behind federal limitations, you may have a hard time taking your gummies with you for a trip. Some states may allow CBD products but prohibit anything containing even trace amounts of D-9 THC. Carrying gummies in these states could lead to complications.
Use the right packaging
We hope you haven’t thrown that pouch away. Original packaging can be of great help when flying with Delta-9 gummies. It is legally required to have indications of compliant THC amounts and a hemp source of cannabinoids. It can serve as proof to show TSA officers before boarding that your tidbits are legal and can be traveled with.
If you have moved your gummies from their original package to another container or bag, airlines may question their origin and legality.
Keep a small amount in your carry-on bag
Checked bags can be lost or exposed to extreme temperatures. Should you toss your gummies into a bag to be dropped off before boarding, they will likely become unsafe to use after landing.
Besides, you shouldn’t take a lot. Focus on the amount that is reasonable for personal consumption. Large quantities, even if legal, might raise concerns.
Find out what to expect from the TSA
The TSA’s responsibility is to check for potential dangers and risks at airports and during air travel in the US. Transportation security officers are not specifically looking for weed or analyzing sources of cannabinoids. But if they accidentally find something that seems illegal while checking your bag, the police will be involved.
Learn what you can bring for your trip using the official TSA website.
Is it legal to fly with Delta-9 gummies on a federal level?
According to US laws, cannabis edibles are completely legal all over the country as long as they are not laced with synthetic THC or more THC than federally allowed. In other words, it’s federally legal to fly with Delta-9 gummies and put them in your carry-on bag if you have purchased them from legal stores.
Things are different with marijuana-derived edibles purchased from unlicensed operators. The first thing to remember is that marijuana and hemp are not the same plant variety and are not used for the same purposes. The former is well-known to weed aficionados and has more than 0.3% tetrahydrocannabinol. The latter has lower THC levels.
Hemp-derived D-9 gummies are edibles made from hemp-extracted D-9 rather than marijuana-sourced THC. That’s why they face fewer restrictions, as they come with fewer cannabinoids and are not supposed to be extremely potent.
For a long time, the legal state of marijuana and hemp has been set equal, but everything changed in 2018 when the Farm Bill was passed. Since then, hemp has been considered to be an agricultural commodity and has been crossed out of the Controlled Substances Act. Not only did the plant itself become lawful, but so did its derivatives. D-9 is one of those that can be used to infuse edibles.
Backed by the Farm Bill, the legal cannabis landscape has seen many changes since 2018:
All types of hemp-derived goods are green-lighted in the US on a federal level. States can impose distinct restrictions, which is why we recommend checking local regulations before you decide to take hemp products with you on a plane.
Farmers can now grow hemp in commercial volumes without being afraid of fines and get all the necessary grants, certificates, and insurance coverage to support their activities throughout the country.
Can I fly with Delta-9 gummies that are marijuana-derived?
For better or worse, you cannot. Air travel is regulated by federal law, and, as you already know, marijuana products and those that contain marijuana-derived cannabinoids are out of the law. That’s why it’s better to leave your gummies at home (if they have marijuana ingredients) before going to the airport or throw them out into one of the amnesty boxes installed in airports.
Have a great flight
Flying with Delta-9 gummies isn’t risky if you know how to do it right. To avoid airport issues related to the source of cannabinoids and amounts of THC, you can purchase your Delta-infused edibles at Venera. Our gummy bears are made exclusively with hemp-obtained Deltas and can be legally traveled with.
If you’re getting ready to board a plane, don’t forget to put your edibles in a carry-on bag and find out whether you’re traveling to a cannabis-friendly destination. You can safely use Venera packaging during trips across the country.