Sleep deprivation is a perennial problem in the United States, according to the National Center for Health Statistics. Winter periods only aggravate the situation by throwing off our natural sleep rhythms and messing with our internal clocks, causing even more restless nights.
Health professionals continuously raise the alarm on the consequences of insomnia for mental and physical health. That’s why many people are rushing to discover efficient strategies to stop unrelenting sleeplessness that is compromising their quality of life.
Using THCA for sleep is one of those strategies. With the legalization of cannabis, it becomes possible to relieve the symptoms of insomnia without traditional medications.
THCA for sleep: Things you should know
Different cannabis components can affect your circadian rhythm differently. THCA isn’t the first substance that comes to mind when you can’t hit the pillow for a full night’s rest, but it can help with some issues.
How does THCA make you sleep?
By reducing insomnia, minimizing the time it takes to sink into slumber, and extending the duration of sleep, the naturally occurring components in medicinal cannabis – including THCA – have shown promise in improving sleeping quality. But how does THCA really work in the body?
THCA aims at the endocannabinoid system, which is the main regulator of natural behaviors like sleep and is of particular importance in controlling your circadian cycle. The cannabinoid is helpful for increasing relaxation and generating calm because it interacts with receptors in this system. As a result, it facilitates a restful night’s sleep.
Which sleep disorders can be treated with THCA?
Good sleep recharges your body and gives your brain a reboot. If you find it difficult to travel into a dream space, your nights may be endless and draining. The good news is that if you don’t sleep, THCA can be an option. THCA-based treatments are great for dealing with common insomnia-related problems:
Sleeplessness. This issue refers to being unable to ride the sleep wave for a long time, which causes irritability and a range of physical symptoms.
Sleep-disordered breathing. SDB is associated with a lack of air, fractured sleep, and interrupted breathing for 10 to 30 seconds at a time.
Sleep-related movement disorder. People with this disorder may act out their dreams, including talking, moving their limbs, or walking during sleep.
Willis-Ekbom disease. This condition makes it difficult to relax and drift off since it generates an irresistible need to move the legs.
For people suffering from sleeplessness, THCA can be a godsend since it interacts with the body’s internal regulation processes to encourage relaxation and enhance sleep quality.
What does THCA do if you have sleep problems?
The cannabinoid can be beneficial for you in the following ways:
It stimulates a normal sleep cycle so you can glide into slumber when you want to.
It eases chronic pain with analgesic properties that can provide some comfort.
It lowers anxiety and eliminates thoughts that keep you awake.
It helps with stress management and mood elevation.
That said, everyone responds to cannabinoids differently. Starting cautiously and being aware of how they affect you can help you identify the ideal dosage for a sleep fix by means of slow adjustment.
Does THCA help with sleep apnea?
Apnea can cause peaceful nights to become a real battle. It occurs when your breathing pauses and then begins again during sleep, depriving your brain and body of oxygen. This could be the reason behind your exhaustion following what was supposed to be a full night of sleep. Men, especially those over 45, those who have weight-related problems, or those with a family history of apnea, are likely to develop this condition.
Untreated sleep apnea is no laughing matter. It is reported to have connections to strokes, high blood pressure, heart disease, depression, and even those persistent headaches that would not go away. Beyond health concerns, it can seriously lower your quality of life. It may become difficult for you to concentrate, which, in turn, may cause poor performance in your daily life.
Depending on the cause, traditional therapies consist of lifestyle modifications, CPAP devices, and occasionally surgery. However, in recent years, scientists have suggested THCA as yet another promising relief source for this sleep-related condition. There’s growing evidence that THCA-infused products are effective in reducing apnea markers in people who have been suffering from the disorder for years.
Although studies on this therapeutic use are not numerous and extensive, there’s increasing hope that THCA-based treatments will assist those suffering from mild to moderate apnea in the future. It is not a miraculous cure and not for everyone, but THCA can be another choice worth looking at as our knowledge expands.
How to use THCA for sleep
Because there’s no universal dose that would work for everyone, it’s highly recommended to always check the product’s label for particular directions. You can also consult experts on which THCA strains or product blends will be best for you. This is particularly important if you take medications or have health issues.
Here are some pointers on how to use THCA to sleep well and get enough rest:
Check the label for Indica. Although there is no “nighttime” strain that has the most potent sleep-inducing properties, Indica varieties are better for sleep. To find out which one fits your rhythm, you will have to try several strains or products.
Start with a small dose. You should go for low THCA percentages (like within 10-15%). If you have never used this cannabinoid, think about beginning with an even smaller dosage to ward off adverse effects. Consuming too much may cause you to feel overstimulated or paranoid late at night.
Try oral THCA. Usually, this approach works more gradually and better for people with insomnia. The effects produced by oral products last longer than other types, which is beneficial for the healthy duration of sleep. After they are there, the effects will continue for 6 to 8 hours.
For more information on how to use THCA to sleep better and which THCA products can help with your sleeping problems, contact our experts.