Image of What do weed gummies do

What do weed gummies do

  • November 27, 2024
  • |
  • Tatiana Ziadie

You’ve seen them everywhere – those colorful little cubes promising a ‘mellow’ good time. And you’ve been curious if those gummy bears and worms can do the magic the hype says they can. Before you start chewing your way to cloud nine, you should know a few things about what cannabis gummies do in reality. The truth may surprise you.

What do cannabis gummies do to your body and mind?

For starters, let’s say their effects can be rather unpredictable. Unlike smoking a joint or vaping – when THC hits you quickly – edibles take a while to kick in as tetrahydrocannabinol is absorbed through your digestive tract. This delayed reaction often leads rookie gummy consumers to make the classic mistake of overeating too soon. Besides, the effects of cannabis gummies tend to last longer than smoking – around 6 hours, with up to 8 for some people.

Once THC does start flowing through your bloodstream, the experience can be mind-boggling. By activating receptors in your brain, THC unleashes dopamine, making everything seem more amusing than usual – this is why you may suddenly find yourself in a laughing mood. And it’s okay.

Colors may seem brighter, sounds more vivid, and your senses heightened. Time may slow down or speed up. You may find yourself pondering life’s great mysteries or struggling to follow the plot of a Pixar movie. Your body feels heavy or relaxed, with tension melting away as your muscles go limp. You sink into the couch, perfectly content to stay there for the foreseeable future. Any nagging aches and pain fade into the background.

What cannabis gummies are NOT

Cannabis gummy effects can be fun, and the sweet jellies are a discreet way to consume weed. However, it’s essential to understand what they really are. These cubes won’t solve your problems or – honestly – send you to the Moon. But with the right mindset and dosage, they can be an enjoyable enhancement to your simple pleasures and treatments.

Miracle cure

While cannabis-infused gummy effects may help lessen anxiety, make you forget about the pain you’ve been going through lately, induce sleep, and have other benefits for your health management, they are not a silver bullet. 

They can’t make you skinny, rich, or a better dancer. They can’t fix a bad relationship or make your boss less arrogant. Gummies should be used occasionally and responsibly, not as a solution for all your troubles. Moderation is everything.

Gummies = Marijuana

Contrary to popular belief, weed sweets are not made of dehydrated marijuana leaves. They are usually made of gelatin, sugar, and artificial colors and flavors infused with cannabis extracts like THC oil. Think of them as normal gummy bears that went to Woodstock in the ’60s and never returned.

Weed gummy effects come fast

Sweets containing THC can produce a high feeling, but not as quickly as smoking. The effects take up to 90 minutes to kick in because THC has to be digested and absorbed. So don’t go for a handful of treats, thinking you will be riding a rainbow in minutes.

What are the effects of weed gummies on your health?

Weed jellies can alleviate chronic pain from conditions like fibromyalgia, arthritis, and injuries. That happens as THC impacts pain pathways in the brain and body. Within an hour of taking a THC gummy, you start to feel relief from persistent aches. In addition, they can also help handle many other ailments:

  • Decreased inflammation. THC cubes make you more active and flexible with less pain. Due to their potent anti-inflammatory properties, the sweets reduce swelling from injuries or other conditions, leading to improved mobility.
  • Improved sleep. Cannabis-infused gummy effects are promising for insomnia or restless sleep. THC can relax your body, releasing strains and quieting the racing mind. It’s no wonder you wake up recharged and refreshed.
  • Uplifted mood. In addition to physical effects, gummies may boost your mood and outlook. With the correct dosage, they stimulate the release of the ‘feel good’ neurotransmitter responsible for feelings of pleasure and reward.
  • Great appetite. The effects of weed gummies containing THC can impact your appetite and nausea in surprising ways. Tetrahydrocannabinol interacts with receptors that regulate hunger to make you ready for a good portion after consuming just one yummy.
  • Reduced sickness. Many cancer patients find that CBD and THC edibles – including gummies – are great for eliminating the awful side effects of chemo and allowing them to continue treatment.

Find your sweet balance

Everybody’s endocannabinoid system is different, and finding the dose that gives you the experience you’re looking for without unwanted side effects is all-important. For wellness, a lower dose of 2.5 to 15 milligrams of THC or CBD is plenty for most people. Higher amounts of tetrahydrocannabinol can lead to dizziness, irrational behaviors, and short-term memory issues.

Everyone’s body processes edibles differently, too. If you have a fast metabolism, weed gummy effects may come quicker and fade faster. A slower metabolism means THC absorbs into your bloodstream longer, so the results will be delayed.

Ingesting cannabis treats on an empty stomach leads to faster absorption and more potent rapture. If you’ve just eaten a big meal, especially one high in fat, THC takes longer to kick in as it has to make its way through all that food in your gut first. For the most consistent experience, take your bears and worms at the same time in relation to meals.

The good news is that cannabis gummy effects level off after a while. Even if you’re still feeling them, you’re unlikely to continue getting higher and higher. Yet, your motor skills and cognition often remain impaired.